Thursday, July 23, 2009

25 mph

funny story.

i leave for work before the bars close and Jesus gets up. i was on the parkway wednesday morning with just one other vehicle. the air was blasting, radio jam'n to the tune of God is great, beer is good, and people are CRAZY as i sipped my iced coffee (which is another story). not long after being on the road, the sheriff's office flew by, running lights and sirens. (this about a mile before the toll closest to I-4...the one that doesn't have a sunpass dedicated lane). i SWEAR that officer never slowed going through the toll. i didn't expect him to, i'm just saying. the truck ahead of me passes thru the toll, hesitating only a little as he anticipated the infamous sunpass beeeeeeeeeeeeep! i was thought to, the S O didn't hesitate at all and the guy ahead of me barely hesitated....those yellow and black arms MUST go up faster than i think. so, i unintentionally did not hesitate passing thru the toll booth...and the arm didn't move...until it hit my windshield with a thud! it scared me. i clinched my teeth and made an "eek" face as i peered in my rear view mirror. after everything seemed to be ok, i laughed hysterically until i cried!

this morning, i hesitated going thru the toll. i had time to waive at the toll booth worker, which i didn't do yesterday. only today, she didn't waive back. :/

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! You are crazy!!! I can't believe you hit the arm thing!
